Thursday, January 15, 2009

I'm in a New York state of mind....

Well, it's finally here. What I have been patiently waiting for since July has finally arrived. Tomorrow I leave for New York.!!!

Last night we had our final rehearsal. It was chaos, as you can imagine. 20 adults sitting in a room talking (all of us) at one time regarding activities and tours, etc. that we want to do while we are in NY. Finally, after 15 minutes of this dull roar, we began rehearsing.

About halfway through, we stopped for a break and the talking began again. There were lists of airline seat assignments, cell phone numbers, and activity spreadsheets being passed around, amongst other things. You can imagine what this was like.

We got back into the piece, to finish the second half and then I finally looked at the clock. Only an hour had passed. I swear I thought it had been an hour and a half, at least.

It's going to be an interesting thing singing with 200 other people, compared to my 20 with a recording. And while I love this piece, I'm ready for live accompaniment.

I'm notoriously a non-list person. For this trip, though, I've had to make constant lists in my head, then write them down. I think I'm packing one little bag of power cords for my phone, iPod, camera and laptop. It's a bit sad to me that I will have part of my luggage for power cords. But we are in the 2000's and one must keep up with technology.

Tonight, I'll probably be up late and for one time, I don't care. I can sleep on the plane tomorrow. My goal, while in NY, is to post a blog every day (probably at the end of the day).

So stay tuned – New York here I come!

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