Saturday, August 29, 2009

The 2K

Today was the BCBS of Kansas company picnic. The company organized a 2K/5K walk & run and I had decided to participate in the 2K, in preparation for the Miracle on Kansas Run in December. I asked Wendy if she wanted to do it with me and she said yes.

This morning, we arrived at the Expocentre to register and get our shirts. As we were doing so, one of the organizers was discussing people who were walking te 5k. Wendy says to me, "Hey, lets walk the 5K." My thoughts were first like... um no. But I agreed.

So we set out and got to the halfway point and turned around. On the way back, Wendy said, "Hey, lets do some intermittent jogging." I agree and we're off! We would walk along, set a landmark up ahead and jog to that point. At one point, I engaged her in a little sprinting and she nearly killed me. LOL

Needless to say, we finished in less than 1 hour. I'm so glad we did it, even if it took a little longer than I had hoped for. I'll be doing more intermittent jogging soon!

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