Tuesday, August 25, 2009


This coming Saturday, Wendy and I will be participating in a 2K Walk/Run sponsored by Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Kansas. It's strictly voluntary and in conjunction with our company picnic, which is later that same day.

I reminded Wendy of this last night while we were chatting online and I'm sure she looked at me (from her apartment) like I was crazy. So I told her again what we had signed up to do. She then asked the best question ever:

Do we have to run?

I smiled and typed "no." Then I explained that it was only 1.2 miles and that we certainly could walk. She seemed relieved.

This is our first big road test in anticipation of the Miracle on Kansas Run/Walk in December. I'm pretty excited and I'm sure that it will be a huge success!

Wish us luck!


Mamaof2M's said...

Ha....I DID give you that look, because anything with a K behind it seems far to me. Although I am presently greatful and thankful that it's only over a mile.

spegram said...

Awesome. I'm not going to be there but I hope you have fun!

Unknown said...

Hope you guys have a blast! Wish I could be there.