Monday, August 23, 2010

It's Hot in Topeka...

To say it is hot in Topeka is a bit of an understatement. The grass is now a hideous shade of brown, the trees are not really helping in the shade department and everyone has become sluggish. The heat, combined with humidity make it clearly oppressive.

My car is black, has cloth black seats, black dash and...wait for it....NO air conditioning. Yes, for 3 summers now I have suffered from the heat. Here are the things I have figured out:

1. No matter how many window shades you put in the car, it is still going to be hot

2. Cloth seats can still burn your skin

3. Nothing will prepare you for the touch of the heated seat belt to your skin

4. No air conditioning is not a good idea for a weight loss program

5. Anytime there is a storm involved, leaving your window open can sometimes help remove heat from the car

Today it was 95. Tomorrow it's supposed to be 75. I may have to get a jacket out.

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