Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Merry Christmas, darling

Well…it's that time again.

Today I was driving to work, trying to find some music to listen to on the way. I can change the stations while I drive without looking at the dial, which is both good and bad. While on my way to work, I like to listen to upbeat music, which pumps me up for the day. Recently, I've been seeing Thanksgiving and Christmas decorations in stores and as much as I would like to be in denial about it, I can no longer do it.

There's a station in Kansas City, Star 102 (102.1 for you locally) that has a tradition of playing all Christmas music all the time from a certain point in November all the way through Christmas day. Last year, it was mid November, just before Thanksgiving.

This year, it was right after Halloween. Imagine my surprise to hear The Carpenters, "Merry Christmas Darling" on November 3. I'm sure the cars beside me thought I was insane as I started singing along loudly and grinning like an idiot.

Needless to say, I don't think we can be in denial any longer that Christmas is coming.

Even if we haven't even had our Thanksgiving turkey yet.

Put on your mistletoe hats and enjoy!

1 comment:

cwihs50 said...

Emilie: I haven't heard any Christmas music but did start seeing Christmas decorations at the stores BEFORE Halloween.