Thursday, September 3, 2009

The Best Laid Plans.....

As you all know, Wendy and I have been training for the 4 mile run/walk at the end of the year. You also know that we participated in a 2k/5k last weekend and walked/ran the 5k. Yay for us! I really thought we were right on track, only needing to shave off about 10 minutes of our total time on the 5k to allow for the fourth mile later this year.

In theory, we had it all figured out.

What we didn't count on was an injury. Saturday, after the walk in the morning, we attended the company picnic and all was well. I got up for church the next morning and noticed my foot was a little sore, but chalked it up to the hard workout from the previous day. After church, Wendy asked me if I wanted to go to the mall with her and Makenna to get Mak some jeans. I said yes, but that I wanted to go home to change clothing and into my sneakers for a more comfortable walk.

This is where I should have known there was a problem.

I put my shoe on my right foot and it didn't fit right. I thought many things at this point: what if it's too tight, maybe it's the shoe, maybe my foot is a bit swollen from yesterday, etc. I changed shoes and put on the same ones I had worn. The same thing happened. It wouldn't fit right. I tied it tightly, hoping it would help support it and went with Wendy.

The next morning I arose and if possible, the pain was worse as I stepped on it. It's very difficult to get dressed and not step on your right foot. I worked all day on it and walked around like I normally do and I left work that night in a tremendous amount of pain.

Wendy and I talked and I agreed to go to Urgent Care. So we set out and arrived there. I was a bit concerned when we walked in and saw 2 people sitting in masks there. But I filled out my paperwork, paid my co-pay and waited. They called my name and I hobbled in and sat on the table. The nurse took my temp and was about to take my blood pressure when I informed her that I have a high pain tolerance and that my bp was probably high. It wasn't as high as I had thought it was going to be. I really wasn't in the mood for a lecture on high blood pressure.

I got an x-ray taken and then hobbled back to the room and waited…and waited….and waited. The nurse practitioner came back in and said the best thing all night:

"I don't see a break…………..yet."

I was speechless. But not for too long. Because when I said, "If it's a stress fracture, it's not going to show on an x-ray, right?" She said, "Right." I wanted to demand my co-pay back, but I was willing to listen to what she had to say. Which wasn't much. She gave me an ace bandage and a note to wear supportive shoes. (Are you rolling your eyes like I was?) Oh, and rent some crutches if it hurt "that bad."
So Wendy contacted a friend of ours who had a boot and some crutches. So I will have to wear the boot for at least 2 weeks. I got permission yesterday to use only one crutch or a cane. I'm finding a cane currently. I was hoping for one with a disco ball on it, but have been unsuccessful thus far.

Needless to say, I'm a bit bummed. I don't yet know what impact this is going to have on the run in December. I'm hoping to start swimming next week. No aqua ex allowed because of the impact, but I can swim. I'll keep you posted.
