Monday, July 20, 2009


Today would have been my Mom's 58th birthday. As a tribute, I thought I would share some of the Mom-isms that Wendy and I experienced while growing up. Many of these, I still hear from my Grandma.

"Poise, Poise, Poise" - This statement was often yelled while we laughed uncontrollably, or rather, wheezed.

"Burney, Burney" - Used to signify a hot oven. What it means: DON'T TOUCH!

The next one is somewhat like a knock knock joke. Mom would say, "You know what they say about that...?"

We would answer, "No, what?"

The answer - "Well I don't know, but they say it." Nice, eh?

It makes me smile to think of these things. At the same time, I'm sad as she isn't here to experience things that Wendy and her family and that I do. I know that she's with me all the time and that she was with me in New York at Carnegie Hall (probably thinking, "How LONG is this song?!)

Right after she passed away, a friend of mine found out and put her death into these terms: Her soul got too big for her body and needed a bigger place to fly. I don't think I can put it any better.

Happy Birthday Mom! You're timeless!